Friday, October 29, 2004

#602 - "The Birnam Wood"

Occasionally, one comes to understand why Yahoo originally listed TWW as "fantasy."

This week's episode is one of them. Not because it's so unbelievable. It actually isn't. But because the entire foundation of this episode is based ON A LIE. The lie that puts forth the subtle notion that Palistinians had a country where the Israeli's now live.

Watching this episode, one would think that millions of Palistinians went out for a Sunday drive and Ice cream and when they got back, they found out that the U.N. had put several million Jews in their homes and told them to find a home elsewhere.

It simply isn't true. Palistinians are a collection of Jordians, Egyptians, Saudi's, and every other Arab citizen who wasn't wanted in their native country. The term "Palistine" was created by the Romans to describe the area. Even the chairman of the Palistinian Authority - eloquent and hard wrenching story about losing his family and home notwithstanding - has absolutely no resemblance to the real guy - who is Jordanian and moonlights as the terrorist that he truly is.

So one has to go a LONG way to suspend disbelief in order to buy the concept of this episode. And as such, it simply doesn't wash.

TOM CLANCY had a great idea on how to solve the Palenstinian/Isreali question and who to be peacekeepers. Split up Jerusalem and have it controlled by a triumverant of Christians, Jews and Arabs. And have the SWISS GUARD from the Vatican keep the peace. In the book, it was a great plan. Tom Clancy, though long winded, is a genius.

What will be interesting the run up to replacing Leo with the political equivalent of Garo Yepremian and the fallout that results from it.


Sunday, October 24, 2004

(hat tip LT SMASH)
This is just plain wrong. But it appears that Bush and Kerry are cousins.

USA TODAY reports that CJ's going to get a promotion - TO HIEF OF STAFF - after Leo has a heart attack. (Warning, SPOILERS THERE)

Seriously, isn't that like putting the field goal kicker in at quarterback after Favre gets knocked out of the game?

#601 "NSF Thurmont"

Only thing I have to say about this episode right now is that when you call for peace talks after being attacked by a terrorist, the only thing you guarantee is MORE ATTACKS.

Next Week - #602 "The Birnam Wood"