Wednesday, October 01, 2003

#502 "The Dogs of War"

A quick resolution to the Zoe Bartlett kidnap crisis this week got Bartlett back in the Oval Office. But not before acting president Walken made America's resolve known in no uncertain terms by bombing terrorist camps in the region.

And what was that? Though Bartlet's camp accusses the Republican President/Speaker of attempting to "ram an agenda" with closed door meetings, Walken and his boys vigorously defend themselves by stating that Barlet's act of self sacrificed is REVERED amoungst the GOP faithful?

"You're campaiging in the middle of a national tragedy...."
"You don't get it, do you? The Republicans are in awe of Bartlet. He recussed himself in the only way he could. In the way envisioned by the Constitution.... The whole notion of the 25th Amendment is that the institution matters more than the man. Bartlet's decision was even more self-sacrificing because he willingly gave power to his opposition.
"The institution may matter more but it's your guy protecting it, not ours."
"A truely self-sacrificing act usually involves some sacrifice."
"So, now you're going to nail us to the cross."
"No. You beat the terrorists at their own game. We're not stupid, Josh. We try to use this to our advantage, it will blow up in our faces. We'd seem callous and unfeeling. In contrast to Bartlet's extraordinary gesture of courage and patriotism. And anyone who thinks otherwise has a particularly craven way of looking at politics."

Did I see it right? Republicans being painted nicely on TWW?

Aaron Sorkin's career must be rolling in it's grave.

Hats off to TWW, though. They gave America understanding of how a key provision of the 25th Amendment works should the President need to step down temporarily.

Regardless of politics, it was a public service which should be commended.

From TVGuide (Thanks to BEWarne's West Wing Continuity Guide):

Conclusion. As the Zoey Bartlet kidnapping crisis enters its second day, President Walken (John Goodman) bombs terrorist training camps in Qumar. Meanwhile, Josh is certain that Walken's aides are plotting to ram their conservative agenda through Congress. Josh must also contend with an unwanted new intern, a freshly minted Harvard grad from an established political family named Ryan Pierce (Jesse Bradford). And Will and Toby struggle to write two speeches for Bartlet to deliver once the crisis is resolved.